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Upcoming Events

TAP/NORRAG Special Issue: Launch NSI 10 - Education for Societal Transformation: Alternatives for a Just Future


October 23rd, 2024 online
Register Here

Past Events

CIES Panels - March 6th-14th, 2024, Miami, FL
21st Century Educational Alternatives: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Patriarchy, Militarism, and the Climate Crisis

March for Justice Protest - March 10, 2023 in Miami

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Solidarity Against Reactionary Movements in Education

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CIES 2024 Conference (Miami) “The Power of Protest” Call for Proposals

Thematic Sessions - 21st Century Educational Alternatives: Confronting Racial Capitalism, Patriarchy, Militarism, and the Climate Crises sponsored by The Alternatives Project (TAP)


Global Tapestry of Alternatives Gathering in August,2023

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The Alternatives Project Program at CIES 

TAP on TAPAS Webinar: There are Plenty of Alternatives!

In this webinar, TAP brings together five other organizations to share, celebrate, and discuss their outstanding work in examining, fostering,

and enhancing global efforts to find 

education, social, economic, and political alternatives to

transform dysfunctional existing systems.(download video here for scrolling version)


The five organizations and their representatives include:

Franco Augusto from REEVO, a international collective project that since 2012 promotes the collaborative construction of knowledge and networks about alternatives to learning and unconventional educational experiences from a critical, collaborative, open, and non-commercial perspective.


Udi Mandel from ECOVERSITIES, an organization about learners and communities reclaiming diverse knowledges, relationships, and imaginations to design new approaches to higher education.

Amanda Janoo from WEAll WELLBEING ECONOMY ALLIANCE, a collaboration of organizations, alliances, movements, and individuals working on a well-being economy, delivering human and ecological well-being.


Gar Alperovitz from THE NEXT SYSTEM PROJECT, an initiative of The Democracy Collaborative aimed at bold thinking and action to address the systemic challenges we face now and in coming decades, functioning as a research and development lab for political-economic alternatives.

Ashish Kothari from the GLOBAL TAPESTRY OF ALTERNATIVES, which seeks to build bridges between networks of Alternatives around the globe and promote the creation of new processes of confluence.

Book Launch: Realizing the Abidjan Principles on the Right to Education: Human Rights, Public Education, and the Role of Private Actors in Education

Join the editors and authors of this newly-released book for a free, interactive panel discussion.

This important text, edited by Frank Adamson, (CSUS and);

June 15th, 2021 7:30 AM, PDT


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TAP founding member), Sylvain Aubry (GI-ESCR); Mireille de Koning, (Open Society Foundations) and Delphine Dorsi (RTE), explores a human rights perspective to education and its implications for private actors.


This is the third volume in the NORRAG Book Series on International Education and Development, published by  E. Elgar Cheltenham (UK). It explains the process for the development of the Abidjan Principles, including their articulation of the right to education, the State obligation to provide quality public education, and the regulation of the role of private actors in education.

Register for this free book launch here.

TAP joins Education International's Blog to discuss Educational Justice for Societal Transformation 

As schools globally begin to host students in person once again, TAP discusses what educational justice must look like for the generations to come. View this short blog post to learn more about TAP's vision for education and societal transformation.  

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Global Youth Caucus ahead of the UN High Level Political Forum

May 28th, 12:00 PM, PDT

Together with the 100 Million campaign, the Global Student Forum is hosting a HLPF global youth caucus to help young persons share their perspectives on what should be prioritized by world leaders as they meet at the United Nations High Level Political Forum (HLPF) in July. 

TAP is pleased to promote this important opportunity for grassroots activism and voice. Register here.

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May 19th, 7:30AM PDT


TAP joins the Global Student Forum in promoting this event to promote the global environmental justice movement.

The goal of this summit is to find new ways in which the student-led environmental justice movement and the formal student movement can work together more closely, specifically in terms of seizing organizational synergies on the national and regional level and coordinating activism and advocacy agendas. 

Click here for more details and to register.

The Struggle Against Racial Capitalism in the USA/SA/Palestine


March 30, 2021  9:00am  PDT


The Joint Centre for Sociological Research and Practice (CSRP) and Centre for Education Rights and Transformation (CERT) Neville Alexander Commemorative Meeting.


TAP is pleased to endorse this important event. 

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Confronting COVID-19: Cuba's Approach to Healthcare for All.


April 22nd 12:00pm to 1:30pm PDT


Join Drs. Helen Yaffe and Valia Rodriguez to learn more about Cuba's response to COVID-19 and what can be learned from this approach to healthcare. 


TAP is pleased to endorse this important event. 

April 14th 11:00am PDT


Join Maria Ron Balsera for a webinar on the human right to education and challenges both unique to Latin countries and shared globally. Session held in Spanish.

Join TAP members Steven Klees, Frank Adamson, David Archer, Sangeeta Kamat, Carol Anne Spreen, and Antonia Wulff for a formal presentation at CIES 2021. 


April 28th from 11:45am to 1:15pm PDT


April 28th from 8:00am to 9:30am PDT


How can we stop climate change and environmental destruction and how can education contribute?

How can we better challenge the scourge of widespread privatization of public services like education?

What are the possibilities for a widespread critical pedagogy?

Join TAP founding member Steven Klees as he previews his new book, The Conscience of a Progressive, which seeks to answer these and other questions. To learn more about the book and for ways to obtain your own copy, please click here.

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